------ Title ------ Author ------ Date Paragraph 1, line 1. Paragraph 1, line 2. Paragraph 2, line 1. Paragraph 2, line 2. Section title * Sub-section title ** Sub-sub-section title *** Sub-sub-sub-section title **** Sub-sub-sub-sub-section title * List item 1. * List item 2. Paragraph contained in list item 2. * Sub-list item 1. * Sub-list item 2. * List item 3. Force end of list: [] +------------------------------------------+ Verbatim text not contained in list item 3 +------------------------------------------+ [[1]] Numbered item 1. [[A]] Numbered item A. [[B]] Numbered item B. [[2]] Numbered item 2. List numbering schemes: [[1]], [[a]], [[A]], [[i]], [[I]]. [Defined term 1] of definition list. [Defined term 2] of definition list. +-------------------------------+ Verbatim text in a box +-------------------------------+ --- instead of +-- suppresses the box around verbatim text. [aphid-image] APHID-DocBook Graphic *----------*--------------+----------------: | Centered | Left-aligned | Right-aligned | | cell 1,1 | cell 1,2 | cell 1,3 | *----------*--------------+----------------: | cell 2,1 | cell 2,2 | cell 2,3 | *----------*--------------+----------------: Table caption No grid, no caption: *-----*------* cell | cell *-----*------* cell | cell *-----*------* Horizontal line: ======================================================================= ^L New page. font. <> font. <<>> font. {Anchor}. Link to {{anchor}}. Link to {{http://www.pixware.fr}}. Link to {{{anchor}showing alternate text}}. Link to {{{http://www.pixware.fr}Pixware home page}}. Force line\ break. Non\ breaking\ space. Escaped special characters: \~, \=, \-, \+, \*, \[, \], \<, \>, \{, \}, \\. Copyright symbol: \251, \xA9, \u00a9. ~~Commented out.